We are voting YES for safer families across Kaufman County.

“As a law enforcement officer, I understand firsthand the need for new resources and programs to reduce the juvenile crime epidemic that has moved into our county from Dallas County. That’s why I am voting yes for the Juvenile Detention Center – to allow us to take more violent criminals out of our neighborhoods while providing rehabilitation, reform, and education programs to help at-risk minors get back on track and prepared for adulthood.”

Jason Johnson
Kaufman County Constable

Hon. Erleigh Wiley
Kaufman County District Attorney

Hon. Bryan Beavers
Kaufman County Sheriff

Hon. Shawn Mayfield
Kaufman County Constable

Hon. Jason Johnson
Kaufman County Constable

Hon. Matt Woodall
Kaufman County Constable  

Hon. Venessa Brooks
Kaufman County Constable

Hon. Jason Roberson
Forney Mayor

Hon. Christi Neal
Kemp Mayor

Hon. Jeff Jordan
Kaufman Mayor

Hon. Rick Carmona
Terrell Mayor

Hon. David Lindsey
Crandall Mayor

Carrie White
Forney Police Chief  

Arley Sampson
Terrell Police Chief  

Forrest Frierson
Crandall Police Chief  

Dean Winters
Kemp Police Chief

Jennifer Russell
Mental Health Coordinator
Kaufman County Justice Center 

Scott Gray
Kaufman County Attorney

Aaron Wiley
Kaufman County Attorney 

All titles are for identification purposes only. No tax dollars were used to develop this website.